Atelier 3A
April 1997

ca.50x70 cm,1996




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ANN LIMNOS - margetich

Born in Vienna, lives and works in Mödling;

After her education by Prof.Martinz at the Vienna Artist School the artist participated in many exhibitions in Austria, some in Germany, Hungary, and also in th scope of the international Artist-Meeting-Seminar 1987 in Asikkala/ Finnland an the Progetto Civitella Dagliano Bolsena/ Italien 1989 teil.
1995: Citation by the „Massaryk´s Academy of Arts“, Prag
1996: Artist reward „Salvador Dali de Puebl“ , Prag
1996: Austrian representative on the EVENTA 96 in Uppsala,Schweden
Her works deem in private holding in inland and abroad and also in the collections of the NÖ Landesmuseum, in the Postdirektion Vienna and in communitiies.
Publications u.a. in den "Wiener Kunstheften",
in the documetation „Vorbild-Abbild“ des Landesverbandes der NÖ Kunstvereine,
in the catalogue „Malerei in NÖ 1918 - 1988“ des NÖ Dokumentationszentrums für moderne Kunst, St. Pölten (1988);
Catalogue - Virgilkapelle Wien - Histor. Museum der Stadt Wien (1993); u.a.m.
Beginning with a strong figurative expression of body-language she developes to the statement of people and their world of feeling.
She founds the continuation in the abstract expressionismus.
Big pictures reflect energy and movement of the perception in their fantastic colours in structural rhytm.

In the expressiv designed-painted little pictures th last main-themes "Evolution" and "Light-sources" find their absolutely highlight in abstraction.
Th expression of the theme turns to a symbiosis with the real world by the structured minimalistie language of colour.